EkoNivaAgro, Group subdivision in Voronezh oblast, has invested over 62 billion rubles in housing to provide young specialists in Bobrov district with 45 corporate flats. Eighteen employees have already received the keys to their new homes and are settling in.
EkoNiva Group, the largest agricultural holding in Russia, have started the autumn sowing. The operations in Kaluga oblast are sowing winter rapeseed, and in Ryazan oblast will also begin it soon. in late August, grain sowing is usually laucnched at the Siberian operations, and further – in the Volga region, Kaluga and Voronezh oblasts.
Kaluzhskaya Niva enterprise, EkoNiva Group, has launched winter rapeseed sowing by schedule due to favourable weather conditions.
The enterprises based in Voronezh and Kaluga oblasts have started new sessions of qualification upgrading courses for young specialists. After two months of intensive training under the relevant programme, 17 livestock specialists will be distributed to various operation regions.
EkoNiva Group, the largest raw milk producer in Russia, has ramped up the volume of daily milk yield per cow to 40 kg on several dairy farms in Bashkortostan and Kaluga oblast subdivisions. Although the top performers have set the bar high, Ryazan oblast is about to reach the mark milking over 39 kg per lactating cow a day.
EkoNivaAgro’s enterprises in Voronezh oblast have gathered crops from half of the fields which were planned to be harvested by now. The area allocated for winter and spring crops in 2022 amounts to 20,400 ha – 55% more than a year ago.
EkoNiva’s seed growing and plant breeding division has hosted the Field Day on the premises of Sibirskaya Niva – one of the largest enterprises of the company. Over 120 agricultural producers from Siberia and the Urals as well as farmers from nearly all regions of Kazakhstan took part in the festival.
EkoNiva Group, the largest dairy holding in Russia, has started reaping cereals in Altai area and Novosibirsk oblast. Favourable weather conditions and the degree of crop ripeness allowed combines to get down to business in the fields as early as in late July, so the harvesting campaign started ahead of schedule. So far, 1,100 ha of winter wheat and 250 ha of peas have been gathered.
EkoNiva Group, the most prominent milk producer in Russia, has got down to gathering winter camelina in the Volga region. Its enterprises based in Tatarstan were the first to start the harvesting campaign on July 25, then their colleagues from Bashkiria joined them on July 27, and eventually, Orenburg oblast was the last one to drive its machinery to the fields on July 31.
EkoNiva-Semena, a seed growing and plant breeding company within EkoNiva Group, participated in the Russian Field Day 2022 which took place in Kaliningrad oblast on 28-30 July.